Skelly Design Archive
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Current WORKs

[2023] - (ART OBJECTS) [fashion design + patternmaking // footwear design + construction (made by hand) // bespoke accessories] * [Concept Collections] * [graffiti writing + gallery shows] ^ [vintage vehicle restoration + photography] = designs manufactured in house * sustainably producing post-modern art. For the future of all human beings.

Fashion Design and Patternmaking

Designs by the artist C Skelly.

footwear DeSign + consTruction (made by hand)

Maison de Une de Une 2023 AW/SS Concept

(Designed + manufactured in House in los angeles.)

Creative direction by C Skelly + KEndra Nixon. Shot by leo velasquez on mEdium Format Film.

[Classic Vehicle Restoration + Photography]

Rolls Royce Silver Shadow 1972 First Edition 1/30 Restoration Commissioned by C Skelly. Mechanic: Frank Hervey + Sam Martin of Hervey Engineering.

Visual ARtWork(s)

(001) a “free” art show

(Painting Series focused IN exploring freedom and what it truly means to live in a free society. Covering themes like Intersectionality, Feminism, Male Toxicity, Mental Health, and Racism, while spreading awareness about State Sanctioned Violence and Food Insecurity.)

PEACE. I’m C. Skelly. Nice to meet you.

“We live in a fragmented art world.”

(a mix of analog and digital, with cultures clashing and integrating together simultaneously)

I used to just think art was something that rich people had.

Art, can be anything. Literally anything. If you can call it art and it was made by an artist, well……. it’s art.

Imagine yourself as a character in a hybridized game world, where art is your currency.. Booting up. Loading Screen. Player X, Start. In a post modern world. You are the master of your own universe, university, and understanding. A creation of your own school of thought. No fake news, no real news either. A constantly decaying and growing being in the world of your own fashion. Post-apocalyptic, psychologically-advanced, and art philosophy referenced. Littered with a bit of paradox and contrast, our favorite tools and inciters of mental play. Public Art. 3-5% troll. 97%-95% the same as everyone else with our own unique footprint. For the historical archives of generations past; stuck rooted in futurism unable to see what is right in front of them.

Against a blank surface or on a stage, what is considered mundane in a heap, shines individually. An old oil can in a messy garage is trash, but the same object juxtaposed with the right lighting on a pedestal in a gallery is fine art. Art is of the viewer and is to encourage mental play, love, confusion, hate, fear, hope, joy, and nostalgia. Perspective. I encourage you to look deeply. Dress your heart and mind accordingly.

1st + FOREMOST!!!! I am a person. Mental Health is very important to me, especially peace of mind and calm. Artists tend to make a lot of mistakes, I’ve learned to be curious and ask questions. Kindness and compassion are the real stars of the show. That stuff saves lives. Art, Fashion and Music especially have always given people like me a voice and a platform when we would have otherwise been hidden and silent.


FORMS of ART include: Fashion, Music, Painting, Sculpture, 3D Design + Modeling, Rendering, Typography, Graff Writing, Photography and Classic Vehicle Restoration. (and More…)

In my practice, I blend design philosophies and their subsequent reference materials together of a wide variety of art mediums mainly focused in fashion and design. This is known as Bauhaus. My goal is to create subtle and tasteful haute couture, streetwear, and art experiences. Sustainability and form following function are integral. Minimalism and modularity. There are perhaps, a few lowbrow comedic pulls and maybe a hint or two of brutalist architecture and post-consumerism influences in my art + designs. Please bear with the seriousness and educational tone, it’s a balance for the whimsically absurd.

Out of the cave we go, one at time with Fresh eyes.
